In this situation, We Called on the Spirit of the Crow

In this situation, We Called on the Spirit of the Crow
This work depicts a large amount of detail and felted complexity, the same as crows exhibit. We admire their acute vision, pattern and human facial recognition, and extensive use of language and tools, but perhaps they have an understanding of this world that offers a unique vision, one that we could learn from.dimensions: 50i”H x 12”W x 9”D
Merino, Leicester, Camel wools, wood
About Wet Felting: The process begins with layering fine, vibrantly colored wool fibers over a flat resist and with the addition of soap, water, and agitation, the wool will morph into a strong and beautiful shape. In countries where sheep have been an integral part of life for centuries, felting has 3,000 years+ of cultural longevity, similar to winemaking. Working with wool conjures up a most rich primordial-soup kind of experience - one gets wet, gets soapy, and the process is always described as magic